Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 34 Choose a Group of Good-ies

Day 34

Choose a group for a monthly motivation club. If you are new in your town, check with neighbors and see if anyone else is a little new or a little lonely. Make a “pick up” dinner with old friends or new, where each of you offers an ingredient to make a specific meal or meal theme. Next month when you do it you may want to plan to try fun new recipes ahead of time and everyone can bring an ingredient and cook together. You can share your meal, your stories and your life with new people or not so new people and each of you can help be the others motivators. Everyone needs support and there is nothing better than giving support and getting it from the same group. Give good, get good!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 33 Get Out Your Megaphone

Day 33

Once you recognize your own worth, anything in the whole world is possible. It's so common to discount each wonderful thing that makes you special and in the end you have forgotten all that you are or minimized the amazing things you have accomplished. It's time for a daily reminder from you to you. Each night before you go to bed, close your eyes and get out your imaginary megaphone. Picture yourself shouting out all of the unique and fabulous qualities that you alone possess. "I'm wonderful, I have an impact on others around me, I am a great cook." Nothing is too big or too small and you should fall asleep each night reminding yourself of just how unbelievable you are!

Get out your megaphone and shout it out. Do this each night so that each morning you can wake up remembering all that you are worth.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 32 Don't Cling to Tight

Don't cling to tight to your plans. Dream big and dream hard but be sure to be open to all possibilities when it comes to letting those dreams unfold and become reality. If you cling too tight to the path you have set in your mind then you may miss out on other possibilities that come your way. Follow your mission but be sure to keep your mind and you heart free of rigid and specific details. Set the big picture in your mind exactly how you wish for it to be, but leave the stepping stones to reaching the goal a little bit flexible. If you stick too firmly to the plan that you think you should follow then you just may miss the plan that you are meant to follow. Dream on but stay open minded and don't you cling too tight.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 31 Connect With Others

Take some time to reconnect with old family and friends that you haven't spoken to in a while. It's easy to lose contact with loved ones even if there wasn't a fight or wedge that caused you to become distant. When it's all said and done, all of the things that seemed important all along really don't mean that much and we all realize how much we should have nurtured certain relationships a little more. Take a few moments and contact an old friend, let go of a grudge or get in touch with a family member that has grown distant. Life is short. We generally remember this during times of illness or at funerals but it's important to remember it even in the good times. Put yourself out there and reconnect. You will feel great and you will likely get to enjoy having the presence of a special person back in your life.