Monday, December 26, 2011

Day 30 Do Something for Someone Else

Day 30

Selfless acts such as volunteering or a random act of kindness are truly the best thing that you can do for others and for yourself. It feels wonderful to give and even better when you know that you are really helping someone else in their time of need. People are in need of assistance at all times of the year and things that seem small to you are actually big to others. I recently read a story about a group of people who were going into chain stores during the holiday season and paying off the layaway account of strangers who were struggling to pay. This is the most unbelievable gift and the impact it had on the recipeints changed their lives. Some of the people stated that they would not have been able to give their family gifts in time for Christmas had someone not stepped in and done this amazing thing for them. Even paying toll for the car behind you can make that persons day. Giving doesn't always have to be monetary of course. Carrying groceries, holding the door for others (nope, not everyone does this) or paying a compliment to a stranger, are all things that can lift others around you and yourself. Look out for others and the rewards for everyone will be endless.


Saturday, December 17, 2011

Day 29 Be Kind to Yourself

Day 29

Be kind to yourself. Whatever obstacle you are facing or short comings you are trying to strengthen,give yourself a break. Lighten the demand that you put on yourself and take baby steps. If it’s a work out regime you have been hounding yourself about, simply add a walk to your weekly routine. If you are hard on yourself about your weight, try each day to eat just a bit healthier than you did the day before. Grab a new makeup accessory if you are feeling washed out or get a new pair of shoes to make your outfits feel fresh but take time to honor yourself as you bring yourself up to the level that you want to be on. Don’t knock yourself for what you don’t have, or have not yet accomplished. Simply make tiny changes and make each day a bit more productive and a bit more successful than the day before.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 28 Bask in Simplicity

Day 28

It's getting colder out as the holidays are approaching. After you walk out to get the mail, bask in the how wonderful the heat of your warm house feels. Think about how excited you are to celebrate the holiday not because of the gifts you will receive or even the ones you will give but because of the people you get to enjoy spending time with and the memories you are about to create. The decorations on the houses, the shuffle of the shoppers and the excitment of kids just about done with school and ready for vacation. Bask in the simple goodness that this time of year brings and bask in the fact that simplicities can be enjoyed all year long!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Day 27 Capture Your Goodness

Day 27

Bring a small camera along in your bag and that way you will always be ready to capture moments of happiness and inspiration. Keeping records of your up moments in life is agreat way to boost yourself when you are experiencing some of your down moments. You can even add these photos to your goodness journal and keep all of your mood lifters in one place. Keep snapping photos and the goodness will keep coming.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 26 Create Memories that you Know Will Leave Long Lasting HappyThoughts

Day 26

Turn regular occasions into unique memories. When  we were little our parents would get us ready for bed in our feety jammies and then we would go out for ice cream. 25 + years later we still remember how amazing that felt and the fun we had. Eating ice cream out in public in your jammies! Doesn't get better than that for a little kid. You can make any occasion extra special just by adding a few details. Mail out pizza shaped invites and have a great pizza party with your favorite people or get the big popcorn tubs and have popcorn and movie night at your place. Create lasting memories by just adding a touch of creativity to a regular occasion.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 25 Change YOUR Reaction, Don't Try To Change Others

Come to the realization and truly accept that you can’t change others. What they say, how they feel, how they react. But you can decide that how you are going to feel, react and what you say. You can also decide that the instant the moment that their behavior or outlook or attitude begins to bring you down or starts to impact your inside feelings that is the exact moment that you have to decide to separate yourself and distance yourself internally. You can still love a person and not adopt their outlook if it doesn't mesh with yours. Keep being positive, you're doing great!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 24 Bask In Birthdays

Day 24
Have you ever really sat and thought about the whole concept of birthdays and birthday celebrations? People in your life, family and friends, are literally celebrating the day that you came into this world. They are rejoicing because you were born and because of this you bring them joy and happiness. You do this of course for the special people in your own life as well. You buy a present, eat cake together, share a meal or wear party hats all to celebrate the fact that this person was put on this earth. It's such an amazing thing and I don't think we stop to bask in the fact that we are basking! Next time you are invited to a birthday party or someone has a birthday dinner for you, think about the fact that everyone is glad that the birthday girl or boy was born. Now if that isn't basking I don't know what is. We really do bask in the fact that we have one another and are grateful to have each other in our lives. Birthdays are the perfect reminder for all of us because there is always someone around us celebrating another year. Something new to think about from now on when we are singing Happy Birthday!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 23 Beware of one uppers

Day 23

Steer clear of one uppers and those who love to rain on our parade. The truth is there are many people out there who do have to boost themselves up by pushing you down and there is no winning when you are faced with a one upper. Check out the Saturday Night Live episodes if you want clarification ;). You won't walk away feeling wonderful unless you choose to avoid the confrontation and never let anyone rain on your parade. If you have a new idea and you run it by someone but they don't seem to get it or feel the same passion, simply change the subject and keep it to yourself for now. If you have achieved a goal and your pal isn't acting supportive, respectfully end the meeting as soon as you can and go celebrate yourself in other company. Beware of the rain and if someone wants to one up you, let them and walk away. Keep celebrating yourself without the burden of the negative bystanders.

Block the Rain

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 22 Bask in your accomplishments as you achieve them

Day 22
We are always working toward one goal or another and yes it is about the journey but it is also about the destination and once you reach your mission bask, bask, bask! The moment you achieve the goal you have been working toward, stop in your tracks and pat yourself on the back. Savor the support of those who have expressed it to you and praise yourself for a job well done. Once you reach the moment you have been waiting for, make sure to be fully in that special moment. You are in charge of all of your dreams and it is a true achievement to listen to yourself and go after those dreams instead of just wishing for them to come true someday. Celebrate your wonderful success and bask in it all the way. You deserve to be proud of yourself and all of your hard work!
Achieve your own fortune

Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 21 visit the old you

Day 21

Think back to the old you, the younger you at all of your different stages and the dreams you had back then. Take a moment to really realize all of your dreams that have come true and think about how the old you would respond if she/he knew that you really got where you were trying to go. How would that younger dreamer in you feel if she knew that your dreams are now your reality. Bask in each day and all of the wonderful things that you have accomplished.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 20 Make 5 small changes

Day 20

Make 5 small changes in your routine today. Get your morning coffee at a different chain or location, change your driving route to work or your morning destination or change the order of things you do the same each day. Little changes in routine can make your entire day take a new shape and you have new opportunities to have great new experiences or meet new people. Small changes can lead to big results!

To new experiences!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 19 Don't adopt other peoples' "stuff"

Day 19

When someone makes a little comment about your personality traits or your physical traits and those comments don't make you feel good, take a moment to realize that none of those comments are really about you. Take a moment to remember this before you decide to let it affect you. If they tell you that you talk too fast or too slow or that they don't like your hair style, none of these comments are about you. They are about them. People who don't feel good about themselves tend to make comments in passing that are meant to knock others down and lift themselves up. Don't internalize these comments or try to change. Just keep being you and hope that the other person can find happiness.

Know your own goodness

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 18 Create Half Goals

Day 18

Create a short term goal or a short term variation of your long term goal- A half goal... Attaining a goal will keep you motivated and inspired while you continue to work toward a larger goal. Choose rewards ahead of time and treat yourself to the reward after each mini goal that you accomplish. This is the essence of basking. Dream big but enjoy each day, each moment, and each little goal that you reach!

Rewards can be yummy!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 17 Lift Others Around You

Day 17

When you are with others, regardless if they are a new acquaintance or an old friend, each time you see them, leave them in a better place than they were before they spent time with you. You hold so much power and your attitude and delivery can bring others around you way up or way down. Make an effort each day to impact everyone in your life positively. When they leave a meeting with you let them walk away energized and inspired. To bring others down with your own weight, leaves both of you heavy but to work toward sharing positivity and offering a good outlook on each situation you experience, will put you and everyone in your life in a better mindset. Share goodness and lift others because ultimately it will lift you too.

Spread Love

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 16 Stay in control of your reactions

Day 16

Be in charge of your reactions and responses. When we are passionate about a cause or a person, hearing certain stories can quickly ignite our fire or rage within. Take ten seconds after hearing a story that is initially upsetting and then ask yourself if this really affects you directly. If you are expressing empathy that is just fine but if you are internalizing a situation that someone you care about is going through but doesn't affect you on any other level, then you have to put up your wall. Offer input and advice if you are asked and you would like to but back off emotionally so that you don't get sucked into the web of turmoil. It is natural to internalize things that go on around us but it isn't necessary or healthy. Be a supportive friend but don't adopt another persons problem in the shuffle of it all. Make a conscious effort to separate yourself just in case the emotions become intense. You can be a good friend and still turn off your internal reactions. After you leave that friend you should not have their baggage with you. You'll be a better friend to them the next day too if you haven't carried their suitcase with you all night.

This is the only type of baggage allowed!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 15 Look At Situations From Another Perspective

Day 15
Look at a situation from another persons perspective. If a customer service agent is treating you poorly or you feel unappreciated by your partner or children, spend a moment trying to look at the situation from the other persons point of view. The customer service rep may be having a bad day or recently suffered a loss or tragedy. You may be upset with your partner for working late but perhaps haven't stopped to think that they are the one stuck at work. You may feel unappreciated by your child but they may not know how to express their gratitude or may not even realize how they are coming off. This isn't to say that you aren't entitled to feel however you are feeling it's just that looking at a situation in a new way often brings things to a positive light. Once we realize that people aren't coming from a place of anger or disrespect it puts our hurt feelings at ease. Just take a moment to look at each situation from all sides before allowing yourself to get upset.
Sprinkles make smiles

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 14 Set your clocks 12 minutes ahead

Day 14
Set all of your clocks 12 minutes early. This way you avoid speeding tickets, unnecessary stress and you’ll get to your destination on time. Bring a book or magazine in your car or your bag so you can relax during your extra minutes or grab a cup of coffee. You not only eliminate unwanted stress from your life but you also add relaxation time by creating bonus bask minutes. It's not that fashionable to be late regardless of what you have heard and arriving out of breath is for the birds so simply set your clocks 12 minutes ahead and watch the stress leave your life :).

Lulu gets it!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 13 Look For Positive News

Day 13
Eliminate negative news from your daily life. Look for positive stories and news outlets that highlight uplifting situations. There is a lot of negative news out there but within all news reports you can find gems of goodness. There are also outlets on the internet that only highlight positive news. Try to avoid news stories that bring you down and focus on starting each day with positive and uplifting information. News has a big influence so positive news will be a wonderful addition to your day!
Happy trick or treating!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 12 Make a Daily Happiness Menu

Day 12

Create your own daily menu. Just like when you’re hungry and go to a restaurant and look at the menu and a particular choice spikes your appetite, creating a happiness menu will do the same. So type out a menu list of all of the things that make you happy as well as all of the things that you want out of your life, and each morning quickly study your menu. When you are looking through a food menu, one of those items sparks your interest on a given day and that is the item that you order. Whichever item jumps out at you each morning, that is the one to focus on for that day.If it happens to be an item that you are thankful for,that grabbed you, spend the day basking in your gratitude. If it’s a future item that grabbed your attention, spend your free time during that day visualizing and daydreaming about your future dream. Use the menu to help keep your focus on your gratitude for today and your dreams of tomorrow. It’s a great way to start your day so do it first thing before the sleep fog clears.

Be Sunny!




Saturday, October 29, 2011

Day 11 Take a Lazy Day

Day 11

Take a "Lazy" day. Use another day or evening off, to run errands and complete important tasks and take one full day to relax. Don't worry about one single thing besides relaxing and recharging. Set up a little station near your couch with the remote, books, journal, magazines, snacks and anything else that allows you to do limited running and maximum basking. Spend the day recharging. This is not a day for manicures, friends and lunch out. This is a day for sweats, messy hair and zipped makeup bags. Spend the day lounging and relaxing. Your mind and body need this from time to time so no guilt just indulge!

Cake Central gets it :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 10 Express your gratitude to others

Day 10
Send someone who has had a positive impact on your life, a handwritten, paper thank you note expressing your gratitude for their role in your life. These type of people help mold who you are as a person and the feelings of expressing gratitude and receiving it never gets old. Make your day and the day of someone you are grateful to by putting into words how you feel and what they have done for you. Drop off a little bag of jelly beans at their office or put a plant on their porch with your note. Those who hold a special place with each of us, deserve to know the difference they have made and you have to power to bring so much happiness simply by expressing gratitude. Start expressing today!

This says it all! Available at Clever Cookie

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 9 Create an accomplishment journal

Day 9
Start a journal and keep it for one year. Each day, record one thing that makes you happy and that you are proud of yourself for accomplishing. At the end of the year you will have a huge book of "good" to look back on. It's great to keep track of all of your high points and positive moments. Doing this daily will keep you in a great mental place and help to remind you of all of the things you do in a day that you normally don't think about because you are wrapped up in the fast pace. Keep track of all that you achieve and you will be so impressed with and proud of yourself when you look back and review your year.

These adorable brownie pops can be found at Oh Party

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 8 Eliminate road rage from your life

Day 8
Make a decision to eliminate road rage from your life forever. We are human and when someone is harassing you in the car behind you by driving too close or honking or the person in front of you is slamming on their break or won't let you pass etc, it is upsetting. If you make a decision that you will no longer let this affect you, you will be thrilled with the new power that you hold. Let the people around you honk or swear or pass you with sass but simply jam to your radio and go about your ride without even giving them a second thought. Your job is to be aware of other drivers but not internalize their issues. It's natural to react negatively but if you take a breath and choose to ignore the entire situation you will feel amazing peace. Eliminate the entire concept of road rage from your life and take control of the moment. You win completely by staying in control of your emotions and safety.

Sugar Diva cupcakes.
Turn road rage into sweet goodness!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 7 Take yourself out. Alone!

Go out to eat alone in a public place and bring a book or a magazine. Spend time alone and take comfort in that me time and don't feel uncomfortable or vulnerable. It's quite refreshing to go to a restaurant and cozy up in a booth with a delicious meal. Movies are also a great place to go by yourself because it isn't exactly a social environment anyway :). Treat yourself to special moments out alone by yourself and enjoy the world around you or the book in front of you by simply being you with you and only you. It will become more enjoyable the more you do it and it really is quite fun once you try it. Treat yourself to a day alone and see how much you grow from the experience.

More goodness from Bakerella. Such talent!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 6 Compile a book

Day 6
Compile a book of all of your birthday cards and greeting cards. You can look back at all of the wonderful messages that people have written to you over the years for different occasions and just because. We all are hard on ourselves from time to time but those who love us and respect us, share their honest thoughts with us when they write us notes so these are what we should refer to especially in the moments that we are putting ourselves down. If you are lifting yourself and complimenting yourself already, this is the perfect addition because you will take yourself to an even more positive and wonderful place by basking in the terrific comments about yourself. It's so easy to have your very own book about the one and only you, simply by collecting all of the cards you receive for your special occasions. Believe all the kind words that people say to you and about you, you really are wonderful!

Smooches! These cake cuties are from the wonderful

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 5 Let go of regret

Day 5

Let your regrets go. Make a list of every last regret you have ever had including the one from years ago that pops into your head from time to time. Once you have your list of regrets both big and small, physically let go of them. Write them on a piece of toilet paper and flush them down the toilet or wash them down the drain. You may even want to write them on tissue paper and throw them in the fire place but once you let go of all of your regret you can finally move forward. Forgive yourself for everything while you toss them away. From now on if the old regret starts to creep into your thoughts you can literally imagine yourself in the moment that you let it go. You can stop yourself right in your tracks and picture yourself throwing it right into the fire or flushing it down the toilet. This is the perfect way to redirect your thoughts and stop beating yourself up for old things that you can't change and don't belong in your current thoughts. Let go of regret and watch yourself heal and grow!

Push cakes are the cutest! It's a push up and a cupcake
combined! These are from Taste for adventure but if you
google push cakes lots of places make them and ship!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 4 Create a back up plan

Day 4

Create a back up plan if you are faced with a disappointing situation. If you are dressed for an interview or a fun night out with friends and the date gets canceled, go out anyway. If you are supposed to go to a theme park or take a day trip with someone and they change their mind or get sick, do something great anyway. Look for an alternate group of friends or a family member to go with you. If no one is available to go with you, go anyway! There is no shame in having a great day by yourself and if you are dolled up and ready to go and plans get ruined, don't go home and loaf on the couch. Be flexible if the unexpected happens before you have the chance to get upset. Don't let disappointment into your day, instead grab your phone and check the movie times or make a reservation at a great restaurant. When things don't go the way you planned jump in and make a new plan and this will keep you from being let down for no good reason. Create a back up plan when things don't go as you expected and you will find that you feel much happier and in control of your own emotions. Things happen that we don't love but you just may end up having an even better time than you would have if things had gone according to plan. :)

On bad days my sister says to think of
rainbows and sprinkles. These are perfect!
I snagged this pic from the baker
Monica Joy



Friday, October 21, 2011

Day 3 Make a list of compliments

Day 3.

Make a list of compliments about yourself. Start on the outside and work your way in. Everything about you that makes you unique should be written down. Anything that you are proud of and is special to you, should be on the list. There is no one else like you anywhere and all of the little things that combine together to create you are all important and wonderful details that should be documented. After yo
u have finished your list, look back and praise yourself for all of your special traits and accomplishments. You are worthy of being celebrated and praise should begin from within. Keep your list by your bed and compliment yourself each night before you doze off. Mean it and believe it because you are truly special!

How cute are these?! Pig and Frog Pastries
These will make you smile anytime!
Available at Le Petit Prince in Birmingham, MI
or French bakeries in your area.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 2 Book "me" days

Day 2
Plan four to six days each year on the calendar that will be your special days. Book them ahead of time so you have them to look forward to. Think of your Birthday and how you have that day just for you and then create 6 more days just like that. Half of the joy is looking forward to exciting events so take charge and create more future moments of joy to look forward to. Book personal appointments, day trips, lunch out with friends or spend the day alone at the spa pampering yourself but on these days do only things that make you truly happy. Literally get your planner out and pencil the days in as soon as possible so that you won't have any conflicting engagements. You are entitled to put yourself first and by booking days in advance you are giving yourself permission to indulge in goodness. Take days off work, get someone to watch your kids and put all obligations on hold. These "me" days will refresh you and revive your spirit. Go get your calendar. Now!

Yummy treats that enhance basking :)
Dunkin Donut Munchkins on skewers. Dip in chocolate and sprinkles.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 1 Bring happiness with you

Welcome to Bask. The 60 day Challenge. This is the moment where basking in the wonderful life that you have created, begins. Let's start basking!

Bring happiness along with you in a physical form each day, especially if you are going to a place that you don't particularly want to be going to. Bring a little book that makes you happy, a photo of a fun trip you went on or even write a message on your hand reminding yourself that it's a temporary situation and you will soon be in a happier place with happier feelings. Keep good mood accessories and reminders around you in your everyday life such as a good luck bamboo plant, an inspirational wall plaque, a good luck token in your pocket or any kind of pick me up that will be there for you when you need it. Rough patches can pop up at any time without warning so keep yourself prepared to be in control of your mood and emotions. Set the screen saver on your computer to a beautiful picture or message and change the home screen of your cell phone to an uplifting quote. By making these things available to you anytime, you are creating a virtual pause button which will allow you to take a moment before becoming upset about something or looking at a situation from a negative perspective. Choose an item or method that is easy to refer to anytime you need a boost and make sure it is on hand when you need it. We do have the power to stay in control of our own emotions and reactions but on the days that are trying, it is important that we have positive reminders around us.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bask! Take the 60 day challenge!

Over the next 60 days I will share a daily tip on how to bask in each day and each moment. Today you are living your dreams of yesterday and it's time to bask in the wonderful life that you have created!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Be the "Non-Judger"

You know you are going through life as a "Non-judger" when people come to you with their most uncomfortable moment or their less than desirable story. Be the "Non-Judger" and allow people to come to you so that when the table is turned you can go to them and get the same response..a "non-judgment."

Monday, August 8, 2011

Live like no one is judging you

Would you live your life differently if you never had to think about what others may think or how your actions might affect the other people around you? Would you paint your front door with pink and purple polka dots or wear tank tops in the snow? There comes a point in each persons life that the decision to make yourself happy before anyone else, has to be made. You can't always worry about how your actions will be received or let the opinions of others impact you, your opinion is the ultimate and most important one. Spend one entire week making every decision just for you, in a way that truly makes you happy. Don't think about whether it will make you look odd, or eccentric or selfish just do what works for you. As long as everyone that depends on you has their basic necessities you are allowed to put yourself and your needs first. Live your life for the entire week like no one is judging you or gets a say in the way you lead your life. After one week assess whether this makes you feel free and happier with your everyday life and choices. You get to be in charge of who you are, how you act and how you feel. Start living your life like no one is watching or judging and you will be able to bask in the real you, the one that you have created!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Change up your routine

Sometimes life can start to feel repetitive which tends to make us feel stagnant and like we are stuck in a rut. We have the ability though, to take our regular routine and shake it up a bit and this helps to renew our energy and good mood. Little changes in your day can lead to big changes in your life and it's up to you to find new outlets and experiences. These can be as small as taking a different route to work or stopping to eat breakfast out on your way there instead of eating at home. You may want to wear new accessories or change your hairstyle so that you start to feel a bit different about yourself. There are also several activities each weekend in most communities and you can find out about these in your local newspaper. Many are within a reasonable driving distance and even though you may not have thought of trying new activities, you will likely find yourself enjoying the break from your regular schedule and that will start to refresh your mood and attitude. You can go to a local fair, food tasting event, music concert or even blueberry picking, to create a little physical and mental vacation from your same old agenda. Just like an out of town vactation renews your spirit, trying new things can soothe your soul while you are at home. Everyone gets restless from time to time but get to know your community and find out what new restaurant or show is in your town and try it out with your family and friends. It's up to you to keep life interesting and whenever you feel stuck, jump online or grab a newspaper and find out what you can do in your own area to keep life exciting. Shake up your energy inside and out!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Are you in charge of your mood each day?

There are lots of factors in this world that constantly threaten to alter our good mood. Are you in control of your own mood and do you have the power to fight off negative influences and keep yourself in a happy place? I stopped watching the news many years ago because of the way that it affected me emotionally and I often wonder what would happen to the overall emotional status of socieity, if news programs and news papers only reported on the wonderful things that happen in the world each day. Even if half of the updates were about positive and uplifting events I think the tone of everyone would be lighter and more peaceful. Each of us has the power to decide whether we will let outside influences affect how we feel at any given moment. You can wake up every morning and decide that you will feel happy and positive and when a stumbling block presents itself before you, you get to decide how you are going to react to it. We all have choices, and challenging situations are perfect moments to start exercising these choices. If you wake up and feel a bit down there are several ways to lift yourself to a better place. Make a play list of songs that have inspiring and motivational lyrics and play them on your ride to work or while you sip your morning coffee. Music is a great way to get yourself in the mood to bask. If you spend a great day with family and friends, play music in the background so that the next time you are feeling a little down you can play the same music to mentally take yourself back to that same great day. You can actually reignite feelings that you had during an exciting moment by recreating a similar atmosphere. I always laugh when certain songs come on that I used to listen to in college because I instantly feel how I did when I was in my dorm room with friends. Stay in control of your mood and do whatever it takes to remain positive even when outside situations try to bring you down. Get yourself into the habit of getting out of bed each morning and making a choice to have a good day with a positive outlook. Don't let others take away the choices that you are lucky enough to have. Today is a good day, because you said so!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Are you a "Basker?"

Do you take the time to bask each day and revel in the wonderful life that you have created for yourself? Do you find little things each day that make you happy and take a moment to enjoy the goodness that you feel inside? Basking in your surroundings is such an important act but it is not necessarily natural for everyone. I think of it like the Choose Your Own Adventure books I used to read as a kid. You read half the book and then got to decide if you wanted to read story A or story B to continue to a particular ending. Basking is story A and not basking is story B. You will go through the same life so to speak but you can enjoy each moment so much more if you choose A and bask in all of the good things and try to look past as much of the bad as possible. One easy way to start basking is if you are in line at a store and the person checking you out is snarky or a customer service agent on the telephone makes you feel bad, instead of reacting and sharing in their unhappy moment you can pause for a breath and then make the decision to stay in a positive mindset. Tell yourself that he or she is probably having a bad day or a rough time at home. Most people don't treat others poorly just for the fun of it, it usually is because of a situation in their own life. Your continued kindness may even help to brighten the day of the negative person and that is a huge gift to give to someone else. We all have the choice to bask but if we don't make the official decision to do so, negative influences can slowly sneak up on us. Stop and look at yourself this week and figure out if you are taking time to bask in the wonderful aspects of your life. If you haven't been doing this, start little by little and find one great thing about yourself and your achievements, to revel in and celebrate. Enjoy your accomplishments and praise yourself for being you. The sooner you start the sooner you will excel at enjoying all the things that you have created for yourself in this wonderful life of yours. It is time to bask!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Adjust your technique and your attitude will follow

I learned a great lesson today and thought I should share it. The best part was learning it from my 3 year old son! He attends summer camp at the same place where he goes to preschool during the school year but for some reason he has a hard time transitioning at drop off time lately. He complains all morning before we leave, about not wanting to go to camp and then cries when it is time for me to leave. His counselors assure me that he always stops crying before I pull away and each day when I pick him up he is all smiles and tells me "I am happy", "I had a fun time". This of course makes me happy but does little to help me as I drive away each morning full of guilt for leaving my baby sad and crying. Today it was the same story, at first.. I decided on the car ride to make a little adjustment and started alking about a fun topic. By the time we got to camp we were going back and forth spouting out silly names that we would call our dog if we ever were to get one. He got out of the car laughing at "Popcorn and Shoelace" and all of the camp staff commented on how much they loved seeing his smile. When I left he was learning the real names of everyone's dog and laughing at the idea of calling one of them Jelly Bean. Such a minor adjustment made all the difference in the world. We were able to come up with an exciting alternative to our morning routine and I realized that all of us can do this whenever we dread an upcoming event or simply are not in the mood to tackle our agenda. We have the power to adjust our own mood by re-channeling our own thoughts and it's a wonderful thing to do when your attitude needs a little lift. The next time you are on your way to work or the grocery store or somewhere you aren't dying to get to, think of new ideas that make you happy and your experience will be much more enjoyable. We can learn from people of all ages and a great lesson was taught today! Smile and reorganize your thoughts to get to a place of happiness and joy.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Bask in your accomplishments as you achieve them

We are always working toward one goal or another and yes it is about the journey but it is also about the destination and once you reach your mission bask, bask, bask! The moment you achieve the goal you have been working toward, stop in your tracks and pat yourself on the back. Savor the support of those who have expressed it to you and praise yourself for a job well done. Once you reach the moment you have been waiting for, make sure to be fully in that special moment. You are in charge of all of your dreams and it is a true achievement to listen to yourself and go after those dreams instead of just wishing for them to come true someday. Celebrate your wonderful success and bask in it all the way. You deserve to be proud of yourself and all of your hard work!

*I want to say the most sincere thank you to everyone for their kind words regarding the release of my new book, Bask. The Dreamer's Guide to Reaching for the Stars While Realizing You Have Already Caught the Moon. I am so dearly touched by your support!*

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bask in Birthdays

Have you ever really sat and thought about the whole concept of birthdays and birthday celebrations? People in your life, family and friends, are literally celebrating the day that you came into this world. They are rejoicing because you were born and because of this you bring them joy and happiness. You do this of course for the special people in your own life as well. You buy a present, eat cake together, share a meal or wear party hats all to celebrate the fact that this person was put on this earth. It's such an amazing thing and I don't think we stop to bask in the fact that we are basking! Next time you are invited to a birthday party or someone has a birthday dinner for you, think about the fact that everyone is glad that the birthday girl or boy was born. Now if that isn't basking I don't know what is. We really do bask in the fact that we have one another and are grateful to have each other in our lives. Birthdays are the perfect reminder for all of us because there is always someone around us celebrating another year. Something new to think about from now on when we are singing Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

How to bask in your own goodness when the people around you are not basking in theirs

This is a very important post because it is something that we all will have to experience from time to time. When you make the decision to bask in and savor your own moments you can only make the decision for yourself not for the other people in your life. It can be very difficult when you are coasting along savoring each morsel and your loved ones and friends are focused on the negative things going on in their own lives. It is possible to bask while the others around you are not basking as long as you keep your mind clear and focused on the good. Your friend has a bad day or your family member is going through a rough patch and you want to help and offer them support. You should absolutely be there for them and do anything and everything to help lift them back to happiness and stability but you have to be very careful not to get wrapped up in the whirlwind of emotion. I am a very passionate person and when someone I love has been hurt or wronged, my immediate reaction is to feel the rage, sadness or anger that they are feeling. It is important to empathize and sympathize but you must be careful not to internalize. Offer guidance or just be a shoulder for them to lean on but be sure to stay on your own path of basking because you don't benefit yourself or others if you are pulled down to a place of turmoil. While you listen closely to your friend, take a moment to breathe deep and set up an internal shield so that you don't let the upsetting situation affect you personally. Be there for others in every way you can but make sure that you are staying in a healthy place for yourself as well. Tell your friend how upsetting their story is or how you would handle the situation but be sure to seperate yourself and your emotions enough so that you can still bask in the wonderful things in your own life. You will also find that when it comes to sharing your own moment of turmoil with your loved ones, you will have adopted ways of becoming less affected by the negative things that are happening because you have become so well versed at enjoying all of the good things around you. I believe you could look at basking as an overall drama reducer. Keep focusing on the wonderful things that life has to offer even when dealing with your hardships or the hardships of the people in your life. Everything will be brighter and easier if you do!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Once you start to bask it will come to you naturally

When you first decide to really bask in each day and each moment that you experience, you may find that it is a very conscious effort. When you are driving you are likely in a hurry trying to deal with the traffic around you or your tight schedule. Most of us think about our next appointment, our busy agenda or whatever is weighing on our mind as we hurry along on our drive. Take a moment to stop your busy thoughts and look around at the scenery and buildings around you. Today I stopped to bask and realized how beautiful the sun and the blue sky looked and really savored how amazing the architecture was in a beautiful church I passed by. Since I started truly basking in each moment I have found that everywhere I go I naturally notice the details of each experience. For example,I have seen our nightlight in our hallway hundreds of times but this week when I walked down the dark hallway to check on the kids, I noticed the beautiful shadow that was reflecting on the wall. It's fleeting moments here and there that happen so quickly that I often don't realize until afterward how much this basking technique has really started to become part of me. I went into a local italian resturant that has been around for years and since I was placing a carry out before the dining room was open, they had me go into the back/kitchen entrance. While I was waiting for our order I looked around at this operation and realized that so much planning and work goes into the creation of these wonderful meals that we are served and so while I ate my meal I really basked in the love that went into our order while I savored each bite. Your entire attitude will change once you start to bask in these little details around you and I think you will find yourself doing it more and more each day because it will start to become part of you and your routine. I am truly enjoying each moment that I bask in and I hope you will too.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Bask in a Snack

Do you stop to savor a yummy snack? It may sound silly but a good meal or treat can be a fun way to bask in the moment. I recently discovered Yoplait Light and Creamy Blueberry Pie flavored yogurt. It is amazing! I really have no choice when I'm eating it but to enjoy every single bite and every moment. I don't have a passion for blueberry flavor but this is good stuff. What are your favorite snacks? Do you have a meal or treat that you bask in and enjoy every moment while you're eating it? Share it with us!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Check In With your Attitude

We all have days that no matter how perfect our surroundings are outside, our feelings inside just don't match. When I was younger and trying to "find myself" I remember telling my dad that I wanted to move away somewhere and start fresh with a new job and new city. What he said to me has stuck with me and that was to remember, that no matter where I go I have to go with myself. It was the perfect comment because it was entirely true. The town I lived in or the job I held weren't the problem. My attitude and outlook were the real issue. On the days that you wake up and just feel restless or blah inside, take a deep breath and check in with your attitude. Find 5 things that are good with the day. The sun is shining,the next issue of your favorite magazine is available, maybe Starbucks is offering their yummy holiday flavors etc. There are always good things around us even when it feels easier to focus on everything that is wrong. You have the power to steer your mood in a brighter direction. This process gets easier the more we do it. Try it!