Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 39 Eliminate Leaks

Day 39

Once in a while we have to "clean out" our friendship box and put a bit of distance between ourselves and another person who has betrayed our trust. If you have someone in your life that you no longer trust or that has shared your secrets when you believed they would hold on to them for you, it's likely time to cut that tie. Once someone betrays you, you don't have to let them back into your inner circle. Even if they simply spolied your surpise or shared your news before you had the chance or desire to share it, the trust is broken and not always easy to repair. Surround yourself with a group of trustworthy confidants or just one great person who will keep your secrets.


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 38 Don't Settle On Your Dreams

Day 38

When you first set your dreams, you reach for the stars and the moon. You set your goals so high because you just know that with hard work and perseverence you will achieve everything you set out to achieve. After a little time goes by and you are still working toward that goal but you haven't yet reached that shining star, It can become easy to alter your goals and make "settle" dreams. When you haven't yet achieved the symbol that you set for yourself as a measurement of your success, you may start telling yourself that it's too hard to reach the sparkly star so perhaps you will just set a lower goal. I don't mean mini goals, those are great, I mean you have to be careful not to chop your goal in half simply because you feel defeated or like it will be too hard to keep working toward your mission. Take a break if you need to and the get right back on your road to success. Don't lower your standards or reduce your goals simply so you can reach them sooner. Put your chin up and finish that race. You will be amazed with yourself when you do get to cross the finish line!


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 37 Get Yourself Out of That Rut!

Here are 5 great ways to get yourself out of a rut!


1. Start your weekend day with a funny movie or light romantic comedy. When you
eventually do get our of your jammies, you will be renewed and ready for a fun day.

Do NOT watch a dramatic downer on your DVR. Note to self ;).


2. If you find yourself feeling weighed down on the inside and can't seem to shake the mood, pump some loud music through your house or car and jam away. Choose CD's that remind you of fun times in your past and sing along to the songs. Such a great break from reality!


3. Go to a store and walk through all of your favorite sections and make lists of the great things you plan to buy in the near future. If you have extra money to spend, treat yourself to a little trinket. Otherwise jot down all the fun things you want to save up for and get excited to start adding them to your collection. Remember, half the process of achieving things is believing in them first!

4. Clean out some of your old things and donate anything you no longer need. Creating space in your life and getting rid of clutter will make you feel refreshed and renewed. Donating to a good cause and sharing with others is the best gift you can give both to yourself and the recipient of your goodies. Give good, get good!

5. Indulge in sweet and savory goodness. The bottom line is there is nothing more soothing than a delicious meal and a sweet, yummy dessert to top it off. You may want to go for a little jog afterward but both experiences will be wonderful.

Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself and soon you will find yourself climbing step by step out of that rut and into grateful goodness.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 36 Be Gratitudinal NOT Attitudinal

Day 36

Each day find the gems even when you have to dig to find them. Express gratitude to yourself, for all the things you have accomplished and for the life that you are living. Be gratitudinal and positive and don't waste time being attitudinal and negative. Time spent focused on the things you don't have and that you have not accomplished is wasted time. Bask in every morsel you have and forget about what you don't have YET. Dream big but stop to bask in today!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 35 Find a New Hobby

Day 35

It sounds so simple to just get a new hobby but it can be a big challenge for many of us. Search yourself and come up with something new that inspires you or that helps you pass the time in a way that makes you happy and keeps you fulfilled. In the chaos of everday life, we often forget to keep ourselves sharp and motivated with activites other than work or chores. Find a new hobby and bask in the little things for a while.