Every so often we each need to take a moment to break down our life into categories and then assess how happy we are section by section. Make a list of all the important areas of your life including Love, Finances, Career, Children, Family, Friends, Home, Health and Spirituality. Are you fulfilled in each area? Figure out which parts of your life that you are lacking in satisfaction and then take action. If your love life is not where you want it to be then sign up for a dating service or spice up your romantic side if you are already involved with someone. If money or career are bringing you down then it is time to get out of your comfort zone and find a new job or start your own business. If you need to bring in a few extra dollars, sell some old items that you aren't using anymore. Create ways to enhance the areas in your life that are not bringing you satisfaction and the feeling of zen.
Depending on where you are are emotionally, each time you do this exercise you may find ups and downs in different categories. The goal is to try to have as few areas as possible that are weighing you down so that you can be remain content and even. Life is a balancing act so be sure to check in and see where the holes are and then fill them in with anything and everything that lifts your spirit.
The more often you do this exercise, the more content you will become.