If you are working toward a mission and you are not achieving the success you had hoped to, REVAMP! You may need to take a full break from that aspect of your life and choose a few new things that you can work toward and conquer. If you are working toward a promotion, or pregnancy or a degree but the process is taking too much time or even worse, taking a toll on you, go on hiatus. Choose 3 new things such as a new workout routine, a new wardrobe, a new place to hang out or even new friends to spend time with. When life gets tedious it is your job to create small overhauls so that you don't burn out and you dont' get into a rut. It isn't failure to put the things that were once your top mission, on the back burner. It IS failure to stay on a hamster wheel and continue to beat yourself up when things aren't falling into place as you may have expected the would. Shake it up and choose things that are completely out of your typical realm. Surprise yourself and break out of your mold. You can always go back to your old goals but in order to get there it is sometimes important to take the long way around. Start your revamp today!
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