Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 49 Find A Ray Of Light In Tragedy Or Saddness

Day 49

This one I know is not as easy to do but for many can help a bit with the process. After the saddness and grief have set in for a while and you feel ready to look up, find a bit of light or create a brightside somehow. If a loved one has passed, consider making an event or a fund in their name to celebrate their life and your love for them. If tragedy has struck near you but isn't affecting you directly, reach out and do your best to lift those who need your support. Bring sweets, stay positive and try to find one good thing to focus on. It may be nice to find a project to pursue that will help memorialize the person or situation and will help keep the loved ones busy and preoccupied. Tragedy of any kind is so hard to handle but if we can look for the ray of light it can be just a touch easier. Join with others and find light.


Friday, July 13, 2012

Day 48 Beware of Virtual Tone

Day 48

How many times have you gotten a text page or email that has upset you or made you angry? As we know there is no audible tone in virtual messaging so quite often a light hearted or simple statement, is interpreted as a harsh or hurtful one. The worst part about this is that in most cases the sender of the message really has no idea how their note was received.

Text and email are wonderful and convenient options but they do have a way of causing stress because written/typed words can be easily misunderstood. Save important conversations for actual phone calls or in person meetings.

Misunderstandings and hard feelings can be easily avoided by simply reserving virtual messaging for quick notes and light communication.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Day 47 Believe In Dream Momentum

Day 47

Did you ever notice that once you achieve a goal that you had been working toward for ages, similar opportunites seem to come along even though you are already satisfied with the result you have achieved? The universe, your higher power or whatever you believe in, is always listening and working toward helping you achieve your ultimate goal.

I call it dream momentum because little bits of hope and accomplishment start to appear while you are on your way to your ultimate mission. There isn't an abrupt stop that happens once you achieve your dream because the wheels are already spinning.Even if you have met the partner of your dreams and are madly in love, you may find that you meet someone nice right after. Someone who you may have agreed to go on a date with if you hadn't just found this person of your dreams.

This is dream momentum. Even if your dreams are not landing in your lap in one swoop, they are unfolding bit by bit and will eventually turn into your perfect wish come true. The wheels go into motion as soon as you declare your mission and they continue until you are satisfied as long as you stick with it and keep your desires clear.

Everything you wish for is heading in your direction so welcome it and get ready for it because what you want will be yours. Perhaps even in more ways than you originally expected. Dream it, declare it, have it.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day 46 Surprise Someone

Day 46

When you give good, you get good. If you have a friend working when you aren't or you know someone is having a bad day, drop off a bag of candy, an ice cream cone or a little plant. When you reach out to someone else and sweeten their day you ultimately sweeten your own day too! Grab a sundae and stop by your friends office. Give good get good!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 45 Forgive First

Day 45

If you are having a confrontation with a friend or family member, forgive first and make the first contact. Don't wait for them to come around because you never know when it will be too late. Life is short and the older we get the more we realize just how true that statement really is. Dig deep and let go of the past so that you can forgive and move on. Get in touch with anyone and everyone that you have a grudge against or that have been hurt by you and make it right. Don't put off for tomorrow what you can fix today. Forgive, forget and move forward with your grudge free life!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 44 Thrive in an Awkward Situation

Day 44

When you find yourself in an awkward situation you can choos to make it more comfortable. If you have to attend a party or an event and you don't know anyone, your first instinct may be to talk to the party thrower and then just sit at your table alone for the rest of the event. Instead of this, try using these opportunities to test yourself and step out of your regular, predictable ways. Walk up to people and introduce yourself and mingle a little bit. You will likely find that some of the people are fun to chat with and you will have a more enjoyable time than you had expected. Everyone has to experience these situations from time to time but if you make efforts to relax and be friendly, you will be happier and more at ease. Step outside of your routine if you are used to being a wallflower and get to know new aquaintances. You never know who you will meet.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day 43 Don't Let Rejection or Defeat Bring you Down

Day 43

Don’t let rejection or defeat you and bring you down. Use it as a stepping stone toward gaining a tougher skin and learning to believe in yourself no matter what you are up against. Everyone faces challenges and obstacles and has to deal with low points in life. When times are tough just remember to tell yourself that it is temporary and to keep your head up as you continue on your path toward success. Hard work will pay off so keep that goal front and center and get excited to achieve it!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Day 42 Look to Yourself and Take Control

If you find yourself working hard but still in a place where you are waiting for your dreams to come true, take a break from wishing for results and take a look within. We don't always have control of when things happen and the pace doesn't always fit within our desired time line but if you find things to do that you can have control over, you will feel less anxious and more productive.

Continue to work on your ultimate mission but take on small projects like cleaning out closets in your home or learning about a new hobby. If you can shift your focus a bit and stop waiting for the pot to boil in other areas, you will find yourself experiencing more inner peace.

Take a break from things you don't have immediate control over and go achieve a few things that you can take charge of. The feeling of success will flow over into your other projects and you can refocus with a new sense of achievement and fulfillment.

Enjoy your tiny step off path.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Day 41 Revisit Fond Memories

Sometimes revisiting an old memory can lift your spirits today. If an old song reminds you of a happy moment, turn on that CD. If talking with a particular person when you're struggling makes you feel like you're safe at home, give them a call.

 My Nana passed away when I was 8 years old. Once in a while when I go to the store and see Jean Nate, I stop for a little sniff and even though it's been 25 years, it still takes me right back to her vanity in her bedroom. What takes you back to a place of goodness?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 40 Step WAY Out of Your Comfort Zone

There is a whole big world out there and getting stuck in routine, status quo and good enough is what most of us do. Step out of your comfort zone in the biggest way you can think of and set the stagnant aspects of your life on a new path. Tired of your work out? Join a rock climbing gym. Tired of your look? Change your hair style completely. Sick of the same hang outs? Drive to the clear other side of town and try new shopping and restaurants. If work is where you are feeling stale, propose a new project, recruit a new client or go in and talk to a customer instead of sending an email. Trying new things is how you experience life so get out of your routine and try new ways of doing things. Step out of your comfort zone and achieve new heights!


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 39 Eliminate Leaks

Day 39

Once in a while we have to "clean out" our friendship box and put a bit of distance between ourselves and another person who has betrayed our trust. If you have someone in your life that you no longer trust or that has shared your secrets when you believed they would hold on to them for you, it's likely time to cut that tie. Once someone betrays you, you don't have to let them back into your inner circle. Even if they simply spolied your surpise or shared your news before you had the chance or desire to share it, the trust is broken and not always easy to repair. Surround yourself with a group of trustworthy confidants or just one great person who will keep your secrets.


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 38 Don't Settle On Your Dreams

Day 38

When you first set your dreams, you reach for the stars and the moon. You set your goals so high because you just know that with hard work and perseverence you will achieve everything you set out to achieve. After a little time goes by and you are still working toward that goal but you haven't yet reached that shining star, It can become easy to alter your goals and make "settle" dreams. When you haven't yet achieved the symbol that you set for yourself as a measurement of your success, you may start telling yourself that it's too hard to reach the sparkly star so perhaps you will just set a lower goal. I don't mean mini goals, those are great, I mean you have to be careful not to chop your goal in half simply because you feel defeated or like it will be too hard to keep working toward your mission. Take a break if you need to and the get right back on your road to success. Don't lower your standards or reduce your goals simply so you can reach them sooner. Put your chin up and finish that race. You will be amazed with yourself when you do get to cross the finish line!


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 37 Get Yourself Out of That Rut!

Here are 5 great ways to get yourself out of a rut!


1. Start your weekend day with a funny movie or light romantic comedy. When you
eventually do get our of your jammies, you will be renewed and ready for a fun day.

Do NOT watch a dramatic downer on your DVR. Note to self ;).


2. If you find yourself feeling weighed down on the inside and can't seem to shake the mood, pump some loud music through your house or car and jam away. Choose CD's that remind you of fun times in your past and sing along to the songs. Such a great break from reality!


3. Go to a store and walk through all of your favorite sections and make lists of the great things you plan to buy in the near future. If you have extra money to spend, treat yourself to a little trinket. Otherwise jot down all the fun things you want to save up for and get excited to start adding them to your collection. Remember, half the process of achieving things is believing in them first!

4. Clean out some of your old things and donate anything you no longer need. Creating space in your life and getting rid of clutter will make you feel refreshed and renewed. Donating to a good cause and sharing with others is the best gift you can give both to yourself and the recipient of your goodies. Give good, get good!

5. Indulge in sweet and savory goodness. The bottom line is there is nothing more soothing than a delicious meal and a sweet, yummy dessert to top it off. You may want to go for a little jog afterward but both experiences will be wonderful.

Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself and soon you will find yourself climbing step by step out of that rut and into grateful goodness.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 36 Be Gratitudinal NOT Attitudinal

Day 36

Each day find the gems even when you have to dig to find them. Express gratitude to yourself, for all the things you have accomplished and for the life that you are living. Be gratitudinal and positive and don't waste time being attitudinal and negative. Time spent focused on the things you don't have and that you have not accomplished is wasted time. Bask in every morsel you have and forget about what you don't have YET. Dream big but stop to bask in today!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 35 Find a New Hobby

Day 35

It sounds so simple to just get a new hobby but it can be a big challenge for many of us. Search yourself and come up with something new that inspires you or that helps you pass the time in a way that makes you happy and keeps you fulfilled. In the chaos of everday life, we often forget to keep ourselves sharp and motivated with activites other than work or chores. Find a new hobby and bask in the little things for a while.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 34 Choose a Group of Good-ies

Day 34

Choose a group for a monthly motivation club. If you are new in your town, check with neighbors and see if anyone else is a little new or a little lonely. Make a “pick up” dinner with old friends or new, where each of you offers an ingredient to make a specific meal or meal theme. Next month when you do it you may want to plan to try fun new recipes ahead of time and everyone can bring an ingredient and cook together. You can share your meal, your stories and your life with new people or not so new people and each of you can help be the others motivators. Everyone needs support and there is nothing better than giving support and getting it from the same group. Give good, get good!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 33 Get Out Your Megaphone

Day 33

Once you recognize your own worth, anything in the whole world is possible. It's so common to discount each wonderful thing that makes you special and in the end you have forgotten all that you are or minimized the amazing things you have accomplished. It's time for a daily reminder from you to you. Each night before you go to bed, close your eyes and get out your imaginary megaphone. Picture yourself shouting out all of the unique and fabulous qualities that you alone possess. "I'm wonderful, I have an impact on others around me, I am a great cook." Nothing is too big or too small and you should fall asleep each night reminding yourself of just how unbelievable you are!

Get out your megaphone and shout it out. Do this each night so that each morning you can wake up remembering all that you are worth.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 32 Don't Cling to Tight

Don't cling to tight to your plans. Dream big and dream hard but be sure to be open to all possibilities when it comes to letting those dreams unfold and become reality. If you cling too tight to the path you have set in your mind then you may miss out on other possibilities that come your way. Follow your mission but be sure to keep your mind and you heart free of rigid and specific details. Set the big picture in your mind exactly how you wish for it to be, but leave the stepping stones to reaching the goal a little bit flexible. If you stick too firmly to the plan that you think you should follow then you just may miss the plan that you are meant to follow. Dream on but stay open minded and don't you cling too tight.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 31 Connect With Others

Take some time to reconnect with old family and friends that you haven't spoken to in a while. It's easy to lose contact with loved ones even if there wasn't a fight or wedge that caused you to become distant. When it's all said and done, all of the things that seemed important all along really don't mean that much and we all realize how much we should have nurtured certain relationships a little more. Take a few moments and contact an old friend, let go of a grudge or get in touch with a family member that has grown distant. Life is short. We generally remember this during times of illness or at funerals but it's important to remember it even in the good times. Put yourself out there and reconnect. You will feel great and you will likely get to enjoy having the presence of a special person back in your life.