Saturday, May 18, 2013

Day 54. Slowwww It Down

Day 54

I am about as fast paced as they come. I talk fast, move fast, decide fast etc. Just the other day at school pickup, the Grandma I wait said "you always look like you're rushing from somewhere to somewhere." Most of us are on a mission each day and we keep our heads down and go, go, go. Today I am challenging you to

Close your eyes and soak in the sun for a minute, take a deep breath when the wind blows or smell the flowers as you pass a garden. These seem like simple tasks but when we are keeping  up with our day to day tasks we often just pass by the beautiful things the world has to offer. Chew your food slower today and enjoy the flavors of your meal. Look at your kids when they talk to you and bask in their stories and imagination.

Life moves fast and before we know it, it can pass right by. Today is the day to focus on the little details and revel in all of the wonders of the world around you. From dawn until dusk today, take it slow and enjoy the morsels that surround
you. Breathe it in and make the day really count.

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