Friday, August 5, 2011

Are you in charge of your mood each day?

There are lots of factors in this world that constantly threaten to alter our good mood. Are you in control of your own mood and do you have the power to fight off negative influences and keep yourself in a happy place? I stopped watching the news many years ago because of the way that it affected me emotionally and I often wonder what would happen to the overall emotional status of socieity, if news programs and news papers only reported on the wonderful things that happen in the world each day. Even if half of the updates were about positive and uplifting events I think the tone of everyone would be lighter and more peaceful. Each of us has the power to decide whether we will let outside influences affect how we feel at any given moment. You can wake up every morning and decide that you will feel happy and positive and when a stumbling block presents itself before you, you get to decide how you are going to react to it. We all have choices, and challenging situations are perfect moments to start exercising these choices. If you wake up and feel a bit down there are several ways to lift yourself to a better place. Make a play list of songs that have inspiring and motivational lyrics and play them on your ride to work or while you sip your morning coffee. Music is a great way to get yourself in the mood to bask. If you spend a great day with family and friends, play music in the background so that the next time you are feeling a little down you can play the same music to mentally take yourself back to that same great day. You can actually reignite feelings that you had during an exciting moment by recreating a similar atmosphere. I always laugh when certain songs come on that I used to listen to in college because I instantly feel how I did when I was in my dorm room with friends. Stay in control of your mood and do whatever it takes to remain positive even when outside situations try to bring you down. Get yourself into the habit of getting out of bed each morning and making a choice to have a good day with a positive outlook. Don't let others take away the choices that you are lucky enough to have. Today is a good day, because you said so!

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