Would you live your life differently if you never had to think about what others may think or how your actions might affect the other people around you? Would you paint your front door with pink and purple polka dots or wear tank tops in the snow? There comes a point in each persons life that the decision to make yourself happy before anyone else, has to be made. You can't always worry about how your actions will be received or let the opinions of others impact you, your opinion is the ultimate and most important one. Spend one entire week making every decision just for you, in a way that truly makes you happy. Don't think about whether it will make you look odd, or eccentric or selfish just do what works for you. As long as everyone that depends on you has their basic necessities you are allowed to put yourself and your needs first. Live your life for the entire week like no one is judging you or gets a say in the way you lead your life. After one week assess whether this makes you feel free and happier with your everyday life and choices. You get to be in charge of who you are, how you act and how you feel. Start living your life like no one is watching or judging and you will be able to bask in the real you, the one that you have created!
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