Monday, November 28, 2011
Day 25 Change YOUR Reaction, Don't Try To Change Others
Come to the realization and truly accept that you can’t change others. What they say, how they feel, how they react. But you can decide that how you are going to feel, react and what you say. You can also decide that the instant the moment that their behavior or outlook or attitude begins to bring you down or starts to impact your inside feelings that is the exact moment that you have to decide to separate yourself and distance yourself internally. You can still love a person and not adopt their outlook if it doesn't mesh with yours. Keep being positive, you're doing great!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Day 24 Bask In Birthdays
Day 24
Have you ever really sat and thought about the whole concept of birthdays and birthday celebrations? People in your life, family and friends, are literally celebrating the day that you came into this world. They are rejoicing because you were born and because of this you bring them joy and happiness. You do this of course for the special people in your own life as well. You buy a present, eat cake together, share a meal or wear party hats all to celebrate the fact that this person was put on this earth. It's such an amazing thing and I don't think we stop to bask in the fact that we are basking! Next time you are invited to a birthday party or someone has a birthday dinner for you, think about the fact that everyone is glad that the birthday girl or boy was born. Now if that isn't basking I don't know what is. We really do bask in the fact that we have one another and are grateful to have each other in our lives. Birthdays are the perfect reminder for all of us because there is always someone around us celebrating another year. Something new to think about from now on when we are singing Happy Birthday!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Day 23 Beware of one uppers
Day 23
Steer clear of one uppers and those who love to rain on our parade. The truth is there are many people out there who do have to boost themselves up by pushing you down and there is no winning when you are faced with a one upper. Check out the Saturday Night Live episodes if you want clarification ;). You won't walk away feeling wonderful unless you choose to avoid the confrontation and never let anyone rain on your parade. If you have a new idea and you run it by someone but they don't seem to get it or feel the same passion, simply change the subject and keep it to yourself for now. If you have achieved a goal and your pal isn't acting supportive, respectfully end the meeting as soon as you can and go celebrate yourself in other company. Beware of the rain and if someone wants to one up you, let them and walk away. Keep celebrating yourself without the burden of the negative bystanders.

Steer clear of one uppers and those who love to rain on our parade. The truth is there are many people out there who do have to boost themselves up by pushing you down and there is no winning when you are faced with a one upper. Check out the Saturday Night Live episodes if you want clarification ;). You won't walk away feeling wonderful unless you choose to avoid the confrontation and never let anyone rain on your parade. If you have a new idea and you run it by someone but they don't seem to get it or feel the same passion, simply change the subject and keep it to yourself for now. If you have achieved a goal and your pal isn't acting supportive, respectfully end the meeting as soon as you can and go celebrate yourself in other company. Beware of the rain and if someone wants to one up you, let them and walk away. Keep celebrating yourself without the burden of the negative bystanders.
Block the Rain

Monday, November 14, 2011
Day 22 Bask in your accomplishments as you achieve them
Day 22
We are always working toward one goal or another and yes it is about the journey but it is also about the destination and once you reach your mission bask, bask, bask! The moment you achieve the goal you have been working toward, stop in your tracks and pat yourself on the back. Savor the support of those who have expressed it to you and praise yourself for a job well done. Once you reach the moment you have been waiting for, make sure to be fully in that special moment. You are in charge of all of your dreams and it is a true achievement to listen to yourself and go after those dreams instead of just wishing for them to come true someday. Celebrate your wonderful success and bask in it all the way. You deserve to be proud of yourself and all of your hard work!

We are always working toward one goal or another and yes it is about the journey but it is also about the destination and once you reach your mission bask, bask, bask! The moment you achieve the goal you have been working toward, stop in your tracks and pat yourself on the back. Savor the support of those who have expressed it to you and praise yourself for a job well done. Once you reach the moment you have been waiting for, make sure to be fully in that special moment. You are in charge of all of your dreams and it is a true achievement to listen to yourself and go after those dreams instead of just wishing for them to come true someday. Celebrate your wonderful success and bask in it all the way. You deserve to be proud of yourself and all of your hard work!
Achieve your own fortune

Friday, November 11, 2011
Day 21 visit the old you
Day 21
Think back to the old you, the younger you at all of your different stages and the dreams you had back then. Take a moment to really realize all of your dreams that have come true and think about how the old you would respond if she/he knew that you really got where you were trying to go. How would that younger dreamer in you feel if she knew that your dreams are now your reality. Bask in each day and all of the wonderful things that you have accomplished.
Think back to the old you, the younger you at all of your different stages and the dreams you had back then. Take a moment to really realize all of your dreams that have come true and think about how the old you would respond if she/he knew that you really got where you were trying to go. How would that younger dreamer in you feel if she knew that your dreams are now your reality. Bask in each day and all of the wonderful things that you have accomplished.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Day 20 Make 5 small changes
Day 20
Make 5 small changes in your routine today. Get your morning coffee at a different chain or location, change your driving route to work or your morning destination or change the order of things you do the same each day. Little changes in routine can make your entire day take a new shape and you have new opportunities to have great new experiences or meet new people. Small changes can lead to big results!
Make 5 small changes in your routine today. Get your morning coffee at a different chain or location, change your driving route to work or your morning destination or change the order of things you do the same each day. Little changes in routine can make your entire day take a new shape and you have new opportunities to have great new experiences or meet new people. Small changes can lead to big results!
To new experiences!

Monday, November 7, 2011
Day 19 Don't adopt other peoples' "stuff"
Day 19
When someone makes a little comment about your personality traits or your physical traits and those comments don't make you feel good, take a moment to realize that none of those comments are really about you. Take a moment to remember this before you decide to let it affect you. If they tell you that you talk too fast or too slow or that they don't like your hair style, none of these comments are about you. They are about them. People who don't feel good about themselves tend to make comments in passing that are meant to knock others down and lift themselves up. Don't internalize these comments or try to change. Just keep being you and hope that the other person can find happiness.

When someone makes a little comment about your personality traits or your physical traits and those comments don't make you feel good, take a moment to realize that none of those comments are really about you. Take a moment to remember this before you decide to let it affect you. If they tell you that you talk too fast or too slow or that they don't like your hair style, none of these comments are about you. They are about them. People who don't feel good about themselves tend to make comments in passing that are meant to knock others down and lift themselves up. Don't internalize these comments or try to change. Just keep being you and hope that the other person can find happiness.

Sunday, November 6, 2011
Day 18 Create Half Goals
Day 18
Create a short term goal or a short term variation of your long term goal- A half goal... Attaining a goal will keep you motivated and inspired while you continue to work toward a larger goal. Choose rewards ahead of time and treat yourself to the reward after each mini goal that you accomplish. This is the essence of basking. Dream big but enjoy each day, each moment, and each little goal that you reach!

Create a short term goal or a short term variation of your long term goal- A half goal... Attaining a goal will keep you motivated and inspired while you continue to work toward a larger goal. Choose rewards ahead of time and treat yourself to the reward after each mini goal that you accomplish. This is the essence of basking. Dream big but enjoy each day, each moment, and each little goal that you reach!
Rewards can be yummy!

Friday, November 4, 2011
Day 17 Lift Others Around You
Day 17
When you are with others, regardless if they are a new acquaintance or an old friend, each time you see them, leave them in a better place than they were before they spent time with you. You hold so much power and your attitude and delivery can bring others around you way up or way down. Make an effort each day to impact everyone in your life positively. When they leave a meeting with you let them walk away energized and inspired. To bring others down with your own weight, leaves both of you heavy but to work toward sharing positivity and offering a good outlook on each situation you experience, will put you and everyone in your life in a better mindset. Share goodness and lift others because ultimately it will lift you too.
When you are with others, regardless if they are a new acquaintance or an old friend, each time you see them, leave them in a better place than they were before they spent time with you. You hold so much power and your attitude and delivery can bring others around you way up or way down. Make an effort each day to impact everyone in your life positively. When they leave a meeting with you let them walk away energized and inspired. To bring others down with your own weight, leaves both of you heavy but to work toward sharing positivity and offering a good outlook on each situation you experience, will put you and everyone in your life in a better mindset. Share goodness and lift others because ultimately it will lift you too.
Spread Love

Thursday, November 3, 2011
Day 16 Stay in control of your reactions
Day 16
Be in charge of your reactions and responses. When we are passionate about a cause or a person, hearing certain stories can quickly ignite our fire or rage within. Take ten seconds after hearing a story that is initially upsetting and then ask yourself if this really affects you directly. If you are expressing empathy that is just fine but if you are internalizing a situation that someone you care about is going through but doesn't affect you on any other level, then you have to put up your wall. Offer input and advice if you are asked and you would like to but back off emotionally so that you don't get sucked into the web of turmoil. It is natural to internalize things that go on around us but it isn't necessary or healthy. Be a supportive friend but don't adopt another persons problem in the shuffle of it all. Make a conscious effort to separate yourself just in case the emotions become intense. You can be a good friend and still turn off your internal reactions. After you leave that friend you should not have their baggage with you. You'll be a better friend to them the next day too if you haven't carried their suitcase with you all night.
Be in charge of your reactions and responses. When we are passionate about a cause or a person, hearing certain stories can quickly ignite our fire or rage within. Take ten seconds after hearing a story that is initially upsetting and then ask yourself if this really affects you directly. If you are expressing empathy that is just fine but if you are internalizing a situation that someone you care about is going through but doesn't affect you on any other level, then you have to put up your wall. Offer input and advice if you are asked and you would like to but back off emotionally so that you don't get sucked into the web of turmoil. It is natural to internalize things that go on around us but it isn't necessary or healthy. Be a supportive friend but don't adopt another persons problem in the shuffle of it all. Make a conscious effort to separate yourself just in case the emotions become intense. You can be a good friend and still turn off your internal reactions. After you leave that friend you should not have their baggage with you. You'll be a better friend to them the next day too if you haven't carried their suitcase with you all night.
This is the only type of baggage allowed!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Day 15 Look At Situations From Another Perspective
Day 15
Look at a situation from another persons perspective. If a customer service agent is treating you poorly or you feel unappreciated by your partner or children, spend a moment trying to look at the situation from the other persons point of view. The customer service rep may be having a bad day or recently suffered a loss or tragedy. You may be upset with your partner for working late but perhaps haven't stopped to think that they are the one stuck at work. You may feel unappreciated by your child but they may not know how to express their gratitude or may not even realize how they are coming off. This isn't to say that you aren't entitled to feel however you are feeling it's just that looking at a situation in a new way often brings things to a positive light. Once we realize that people aren't coming from a place of anger or disrespect it puts our hurt feelings at ease. Just take a moment to look at each situation from all sides before allowing yourself to get upset.

Look at a situation from another persons perspective. If a customer service agent is treating you poorly or you feel unappreciated by your partner or children, spend a moment trying to look at the situation from the other persons point of view. The customer service rep may be having a bad day or recently suffered a loss or tragedy. You may be upset with your partner for working late but perhaps haven't stopped to think that they are the one stuck at work. You may feel unappreciated by your child but they may not know how to express their gratitude or may not even realize how they are coming off. This isn't to say that you aren't entitled to feel however you are feeling it's just that looking at a situation in a new way often brings things to a positive light. Once we realize that people aren't coming from a place of anger or disrespect it puts our hurt feelings at ease. Just take a moment to look at each situation from all sides before allowing yourself to get upset.
Sprinkles make smiles

Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Day 14 Set your clocks 12 minutes ahead
Day 14
Set all of your clocks 12 minutes early. This way you avoid speeding tickets, unnecessary stress and you’ll get to your destination on time. Bring a book or magazine in your car or your bag so you can relax during your extra minutes or grab a cup of coffee. You not only eliminate unwanted stress from your life but you also add relaxation time by creating bonus bask minutes. It's not that fashionable to be late regardless of what you have heard and arriving out of breath is for the birds so simply set your clocks 12 minutes ahead and watch the stress leave your life :).
Set all of your clocks 12 minutes early. This way you avoid speeding tickets, unnecessary stress and you’ll get to your destination on time. Bring a book or magazine in your car or your bag so you can relax during your extra minutes or grab a cup of coffee. You not only eliminate unwanted stress from your life but you also add relaxation time by creating bonus bask minutes. It's not that fashionable to be late regardless of what you have heard and arriving out of breath is for the birds so simply set your clocks 12 minutes ahead and watch the stress leave your life :).
Lulu gets it!

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