Steer clear of one uppers and those who love to rain on our parade. The truth is there are many people out there who do have to boost themselves up by pushing you down and there is no winning when you are faced with a one upper. Check out the Saturday Night Live episodes if you want clarification ;). You won't walk away feeling wonderful unless you choose to avoid the confrontation and never let anyone rain on your parade. If you have a new idea and you run it by someone but they don't seem to get it or feel the same passion, simply change the subject and keep it to yourself for now. If you have achieved a goal and your pal isn't acting supportive, respectfully end the meeting as soon as you can and go celebrate yourself in other company. Beware of the rain and if someone wants to one up you, let them and walk away. Keep celebrating yourself without the burden of the negative bystanders.
Block the Rain

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