Look at a situation from another persons perspective. If a customer service agent is treating you poorly or you feel unappreciated by your partner or children, spend a moment trying to look at the situation from the other persons point of view. The customer service rep may be having a bad day or recently suffered a loss or tragedy. You may be upset with your partner for working late but perhaps haven't stopped to think that they are the one stuck at work. You may feel unappreciated by your child but they may not know how to express their gratitude or may not even realize how they are coming off. This isn't to say that you aren't entitled to feel however you are feeling it's just that looking at a situation in a new way often brings things to a positive light. Once we realize that people aren't coming from a place of anger or disrespect it puts our hurt feelings at ease. Just take a moment to look at each situation from all sides before allowing yourself to get upset.
Sprinkles make smiles

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