Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Day 60 When All Else Fails.. Revamp

Day 60

If you are working toward a mission and you are not achieving the success you had hoped to, REVAMP! You may need to take a full break from that aspect of your life and choose a few new things that you can work toward and conquer. If you are working toward a promotion, or pregnancy or a degree but the process is taking too much time or even worse, taking a toll on you, go on hiatus. Choose 3 new things such as a new workout routine, a new wardrobe, a new place to hang out or even new friends to spend time with. When life gets tedious it is your job to create small overhauls so that you don't burn out and you dont' get into a rut. It isn't failure to put the things that were once your top mission, on the back burner. It IS failure to stay on a hamster wheel and continue to beat yourself up when things aren't falling into place as you may have expected the would. Shake it up and choose things that are completely out of your typical realm. Surprise yourself and break out of your mold. You can always go back to your old goals but in order to get there it is sometimes important to take the long way around. Start your revamp today!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 59 Stop Making Excuses

Day 59

I know this one may sound harsh but it is very important. I keep running into this sentiment when working with clients and it is the common thread that needs to be cut. Change can't happen if we keep telling ourselves all the reasons that it shouldn't. We can't want new things to happen in our lives but continue to say that we don't deserve them or that it's too hard to achieve our goals. This is the definition of "get out of your own way." It is counter productive to claim that you want wonderful things out of this life and then in the next breath to come up with hundreds of reasons why it is too hard to achieve them. Anything you want can be your reality if you stop telling yourself that it's not possible. Listen to the words you are saying and stop yourself the minute you start to speak words of limitation and excuses. This is not a dress rehearsal so stop putting your dreams off until later and start making them happen now. One by one you can achieve all of your goals. One tiny change right now will set your mission in motion. No more talk of can't and have not only words of achieve and now.

Let's go!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Day 58 Put Your Life Into Categories

Day 58

Every so often we each need to take a moment to break down our life into categories and then assess how happy we are section by section. Make a list of all the important areas of your life including Love, Finances, Career, Children, Family, Friends, Home, Health and Spirituality. Are you fulfilled in each area? Figure out which parts of your life that you are lacking in satisfaction and then take action. If your love life is not where you want it to be then sign up for a dating service or spice up your romantic side if you are already involved with someone. If money or career are bringing you down then it is time to get out of your comfort zone and find a new job or start your own business. If you need to bring in a few extra dollars, sell some old items that you aren't using anymore. Create ways to enhance the areas in your life that are not bringing you satisfaction and the feeling of zen.

Depending on where you are are emotionally, each time you do this exercise you may find ups and downs in different categories. The goal is to try to have as few areas as possible that are weighing you down so that you can be remain content and even. Life is a balancing act so be sure to check in and see where the holes are and then fill them in with anything and everything that lifts your spirit.

The more often you do this exercise, the more content you will become.


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 57 Listen To Your Own Advice

Day 57

Have you ever taken a moment to listen to the advice you are giving to others? You lend your ear and share your great ideas but perhaps you are not practicing what you preach. It is often during the moments of counseling others that you answer your own inner questions. Listen to the advice you are giving out and the direction you are telling friends to go. Decide if you are actually helping yourself with your path as well. Talking it out with others is a great way to sift through inner confusion even if your concerns aren't the direct topic. Listen to the input you're giving and see if you can apply it to your own situations. You may solve your own inner turmoil without even realizing it.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day 56 Every Chip In The Bag Tastes The Same

Day 56

Have you ever found yourself diving into a bag of chips or pretzels eating one after the other at a rapid pace? At some point we seem to realize that each one tastes just the same as the one before regardless of how quickly or slowly we eat them. This is very similar to the idea of rushing to the next activity or experience in our lives. If we don't stop to check in with ourselves and make sure we are experiencing happiness, love and goodness, each milestone will feel the same. If you are feeling happy and content inside, that will stay with you and will grow with each accomplishment you succeed in but if you are feeling unhappy, restless and ungrateful, that too will stay with you regardless of how many new endeavors come your way. Savor each moment (or chip) and try not to rush to the next one before you have a chance to check in and make sure you are filled with inner joy and peace. Years ago I wanted to move out of town after I experienced a let down with a dream of mine. My dad said something to me that I have never forgotten which was  "wherever you go, you have to go with yourself." This really says it all. Whatever you are feeling and whoever you are at each moment, this will be reality regardless of where you are physically in your life. Do your very best to indulge your "zen" as often as you can in each phase or your journey so that you don't have to continue looking for the next morsel in effort to find happiness. You have the power to be happy every step of the way. Enjoy every chip!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Day 55. Don't Wait To Count Your Blessings

Day 55

It is time to count your blessings! Many of us possess a bad habit. We forget to count our blessings until a horrific tragedy occurs or we lose a loved one. That is when we take the time to appreciate the wonderful things, people and situations that we have in our lives. Why wait? Each and every day it is important to appreciate what you have and to be grateful for the people in your life and for the wonders that you are able to experience daily. Even if you are stuggling or suffering, there is good to be found. Even on the hard days, even when we are ill and even if money is tight we can still find little morsels of goodness to focus on.

Each morning before you climb out of bed, take a moment to count your blessings. Close your eyes and go down the list of wonderful people in your life, the amazing opportunities you have and the beautiful things that you have earned. Take a deep breath and be truly thankful and grateful. Pat yourself on the back, love everything around you and know that if you are in a moment of struggle, it will surely pass.

Don't wait for times of mourning and tragedy to remember all of the beauty in your life. Do it everyday!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Day 54. Slowwww It Down

Day 54

I am about as fast paced as they come. I talk fast, move fast, decide fast etc. Just the other day at school pickup, the Grandma I wait said "you always look like you're rushing from somewhere to somewhere." Most of us are on a mission each day and we keep our heads down and go, go, go. Today I am challenging you to

Close your eyes and soak in the sun for a minute, take a deep breath when the wind blows or smell the flowers as you pass a garden. These seem like simple tasks but when we are keeping  up with our day to day tasks we often just pass by the beautiful things the world has to offer. Chew your food slower today and enjoy the flavors of your meal. Look at your kids when they talk to you and bask in their stories and imagination.

Life moves fast and before we know it, it can pass right by. Today is the day to focus on the little details and revel in all of the wonders of the world around you. From dawn until dusk today, take it slow and enjoy the morsels that surround
you. Breathe it in and make the day really count.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Day 53. Clean Out Your "Friendship Box"

Day 53

I have always referred to reassesssing friendships as "cleaning out your friendship box." I like to think of it as an actual act where you physically have to remove the negative from your life. If you find yourself constantly carrying the weight of a friend of yours and their burden has started to impact your life in a negative way, it's time to make a change. If you feel that you are being used and you do not have a give and take relationship with your friend, it is likely time to move on. Trust your gut. If you feel anxious or you dread the phone call or email from a particular person, start distancing yourself and change the course of that friendship. Good friends are there for each other in good times and bad and there will always be times when you are giving more of yourself to a friend in need. It's when the friend is starting to drain you and becomes a constant taker, that it is time to cut the ties.

Don't beat yourself up for cutting toxic relationships out of your life. Friendships are definitely about quality over quantity and this applies more and more as we get older. Put yourself and your needs first for a change. Go through your friendship box and weed out anyone who is taking more from you than you can afford to give. Honor your friends who lift you and enhance your life and simply let the others go.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Day 52. Buy A Gift For Your Future

Years ago I lived in an apartment that was barely big enough to have a few visitors over let alone to entertain in. I had dreamed of hosting holidays and occasions and even though I knew I would have to wait until I had more space, I started collecting accessories to use when the time was right.

This past weekend I hosted a large family brunch and decided to put pre-made basic coffee out in addition to the flavored Keurig option. I found two perfect coffee urns in my cupboard and I was excited to use them for the first time. During the brunch my Gram asked where I got such perfect carafes and I told her that I had bought them more than 12 years ago in hopes of someday having a use for them.

Sometimes you have to believe in your future dreams so much that you start making them reality before they are actually ready to come true. Buy yourself a small token for your future. A little something that symbolizes a goal. When it does become reality you will be excited both because you get to use your trinket and because you will get to reflect on just how far you have come.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 51 Don't Stand On Ceremony

Day 51

There are times in life when we let our expectations of what others should do, say or feel, dictate how we start to feel about them when they don't conform to our vision. If you wait around for someone to call or for opportunity to knock on your door, you will very likely be disappointed more often than not. If you want to talk to someone or see them it is your job to reach out to them not wait around for them to come to you. The same goes for new experiences, new jobs and all new adventures. You have to go after things even if you had it set in your mind that they would come to you. Stop standing on ceremony and get out there and be the one to make the first move. This is how you make yourself happy and start your life moving in the direction you want it to go in.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 50 Avoid Morning Confrontation

Day 50
I remember the day I didn't clean my room before school and my mom was so upset with me. She was a little angry and I went to school feeling bad and down. The feeling lasted throughout the day and when I got home I told her she had to wait until after school to confront me from then on. 25 years later I shared the same opinion with my sister when she was upset with her son one morning. It isn't always easy and you don't always have control over it, but it is very important to try your hardest to avoid morning confrontations. Even if it means that you send an email later in the day expressing your feelings or you write it down to remind yourself to address it later that night, do your very best to keep morning interactions light and positive. Set the tone for your whole day by steering clear of heavy morning discussions.