Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 13 Look For Positive News

Day 13
Eliminate negative news from your daily life. Look for positive stories and news outlets that highlight uplifting situations. There is a lot of negative news out there but within all news reports you can find gems of goodness. There are also outlets on the internet that only highlight positive news. Try to avoid news stories that bring you down and focus on starting each day with positive and uplifting information. News has a big influence so positive news will be a wonderful addition to your day!
Happy trick or treating!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 12 Make a Daily Happiness Menu

Day 12

Create your own daily menu. Just like when you’re hungry and go to a restaurant and look at the menu and a particular choice spikes your appetite, creating a happiness menu will do the same. So type out a menu list of all of the things that make you happy as well as all of the things that you want out of your life, and each morning quickly study your menu. When you are looking through a food menu, one of those items sparks your interest on a given day and that is the item that you order. Whichever item jumps out at you each morning, that is the one to focus on for that day.If it happens to be an item that you are thankful for,that grabbed you, spend the day basking in your gratitude. If it’s a future item that grabbed your attention, spend your free time during that day visualizing and daydreaming about your future dream. Use the menu to help keep your focus on your gratitude for today and your dreams of tomorrow. It’s a great way to start your day so do it first thing before the sleep fog clears.

Be Sunny!




Saturday, October 29, 2011

Day 11 Take a Lazy Day

Day 11

Take a "Lazy" day. Use another day or evening off, to run errands and complete important tasks and take one full day to relax. Don't worry about one single thing besides relaxing and recharging. Set up a little station near your couch with the remote, books, journal, magazines, snacks and anything else that allows you to do limited running and maximum basking. Spend the day recharging. This is not a day for manicures, friends and lunch out. This is a day for sweats, messy hair and zipped makeup bags. Spend the day lounging and relaxing. Your mind and body need this from time to time so no guilt just indulge!

Cake Central gets it :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 10 Express your gratitude to others

Day 10
Send someone who has had a positive impact on your life, a handwritten, paper thank you note expressing your gratitude for their role in your life. These type of people help mold who you are as a person and the feelings of expressing gratitude and receiving it never gets old. Make your day and the day of someone you are grateful to by putting into words how you feel and what they have done for you. Drop off a little bag of jelly beans at their office or put a plant on their porch with your note. Those who hold a special place with each of us, deserve to know the difference they have made and you have to power to bring so much happiness simply by expressing gratitude. Start expressing today!

This says it all! Available at Clever Cookie

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 9 Create an accomplishment journal

Day 9
Start a journal and keep it for one year. Each day, record one thing that makes you happy and that you are proud of yourself for accomplishing. At the end of the year you will have a huge book of "good" to look back on. It's great to keep track of all of your high points and positive moments. Doing this daily will keep you in a great mental place and help to remind you of all of the things you do in a day that you normally don't think about because you are wrapped up in the fast pace. Keep track of all that you achieve and you will be so impressed with and proud of yourself when you look back and review your year.

These adorable brownie pops can be found at Oh Party

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 8 Eliminate road rage from your life

Day 8
Make a decision to eliminate road rage from your life forever. We are human and when someone is harassing you in the car behind you by driving too close or honking or the person in front of you is slamming on their break or won't let you pass etc, it is upsetting. If you make a decision that you will no longer let this affect you, you will be thrilled with the new power that you hold. Let the people around you honk or swear or pass you with sass but simply jam to your radio and go about your ride without even giving them a second thought. Your job is to be aware of other drivers but not internalize their issues. It's natural to react negatively but if you take a breath and choose to ignore the entire situation you will feel amazing peace. Eliminate the entire concept of road rage from your life and take control of the moment. You win completely by staying in control of your emotions and safety.

Sugar Diva cupcakes.
Turn road rage into sweet goodness!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 7 Take yourself out. Alone!

Go out to eat alone in a public place and bring a book or a magazine. Spend time alone and take comfort in that me time and don't feel uncomfortable or vulnerable. It's quite refreshing to go to a restaurant and cozy up in a booth with a delicious meal. Movies are also a great place to go by yourself because it isn't exactly a social environment anyway :). Treat yourself to special moments out alone by yourself and enjoy the world around you or the book in front of you by simply being you with you and only you. It will become more enjoyable the more you do it and it really is quite fun once you try it. Treat yourself to a day alone and see how much you grow from the experience.

More goodness from Bakerella. Such talent!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 6 Compile a book

Day 6
Compile a book of all of your birthday cards and greeting cards. You can look back at all of the wonderful messages that people have written to you over the years for different occasions and just because. We all are hard on ourselves from time to time but those who love us and respect us, share their honest thoughts with us when they write us notes so these are what we should refer to especially in the moments that we are putting ourselves down. If you are lifting yourself and complimenting yourself already, this is the perfect addition because you will take yourself to an even more positive and wonderful place by basking in the terrific comments about yourself. It's so easy to have your very own book about the one and only you, simply by collecting all of the cards you receive for your special occasions. Believe all the kind words that people say to you and about you, you really are wonderful!

Smooches! These cake cuties are from the wonderful

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 5 Let go of regret

Day 5

Let your regrets go. Make a list of every last regret you have ever had including the one from years ago that pops into your head from time to time. Once you have your list of regrets both big and small, physically let go of them. Write them on a piece of toilet paper and flush them down the toilet or wash them down the drain. You may even want to write them on tissue paper and throw them in the fire place but once you let go of all of your regret you can finally move forward. Forgive yourself for everything while you toss them away. From now on if the old regret starts to creep into your thoughts you can literally imagine yourself in the moment that you let it go. You can stop yourself right in your tracks and picture yourself throwing it right into the fire or flushing it down the toilet. This is the perfect way to redirect your thoughts and stop beating yourself up for old things that you can't change and don't belong in your current thoughts. Let go of regret and watch yourself heal and grow!

Push cakes are the cutest! It's a push up and a cupcake
combined! These are from Taste for adventure but if you
google push cakes lots of places make them and ship!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 4 Create a back up plan

Day 4

Create a back up plan if you are faced with a disappointing situation. If you are dressed for an interview or a fun night out with friends and the date gets canceled, go out anyway. If you are supposed to go to a theme park or take a day trip with someone and they change their mind or get sick, do something great anyway. Look for an alternate group of friends or a family member to go with you. If no one is available to go with you, go anyway! There is no shame in having a great day by yourself and if you are dolled up and ready to go and plans get ruined, don't go home and loaf on the couch. Be flexible if the unexpected happens before you have the chance to get upset. Don't let disappointment into your day, instead grab your phone and check the movie times or make a reservation at a great restaurant. When things don't go the way you planned jump in and make a new plan and this will keep you from being let down for no good reason. Create a back up plan when things don't go as you expected and you will find that you feel much happier and in control of your own emotions. Things happen that we don't love but you just may end up having an even better time than you would have if things had gone according to plan. :)

On bad days my sister says to think of
rainbows and sprinkles. These are perfect!
I snagged this pic from the baker
Monica Joy



Friday, October 21, 2011

Day 3 Make a list of compliments

Day 3.

Make a list of compliments about yourself. Start on the outside and work your way in. Everything about you that makes you unique should be written down. Anything that you are proud of and is special to you, should be on the list. There is no one else like you anywhere and all of the little things that combine together to create you are all important and wonderful details that should be documented. After yo
u have finished your list, look back and praise yourself for all of your special traits and accomplishments. You are worthy of being celebrated and praise should begin from within. Keep your list by your bed and compliment yourself each night before you doze off. Mean it and believe it because you are truly special!

How cute are these?! Pig and Frog Pastries
These will make you smile anytime!
Available at Le Petit Prince in Birmingham, MI
or French bakeries in your area.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 2 Book "me" days

Day 2
Plan four to six days each year on the calendar that will be your special days. Book them ahead of time so you have them to look forward to. Think of your Birthday and how you have that day just for you and then create 6 more days just like that. Half of the joy is looking forward to exciting events so take charge and create more future moments of joy to look forward to. Book personal appointments, day trips, lunch out with friends or spend the day alone at the spa pampering yourself but on these days do only things that make you truly happy. Literally get your planner out and pencil the days in as soon as possible so that you won't have any conflicting engagements. You are entitled to put yourself first and by booking days in advance you are giving yourself permission to indulge in goodness. Take days off work, get someone to watch your kids and put all obligations on hold. These "me" days will refresh you and revive your spirit. Go get your calendar. Now!

Yummy treats that enhance basking :)
Dunkin Donut Munchkins on skewers. Dip in chocolate and sprinkles.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 1 Bring happiness with you

Welcome to Bask. The 60 day Challenge. This is the moment where basking in the wonderful life that you have created, begins. Let's start basking!

Bring happiness along with you in a physical form each day, especially if you are going to a place that you don't particularly want to be going to. Bring a little book that makes you happy, a photo of a fun trip you went on or even write a message on your hand reminding yourself that it's a temporary situation and you will soon be in a happier place with happier feelings. Keep good mood accessories and reminders around you in your everyday life such as a good luck bamboo plant, an inspirational wall plaque, a good luck token in your pocket or any kind of pick me up that will be there for you when you need it. Rough patches can pop up at any time without warning so keep yourself prepared to be in control of your mood and emotions. Set the screen saver on your computer to a beautiful picture or message and change the home screen of your cell phone to an uplifting quote. By making these things available to you anytime, you are creating a virtual pause button which will allow you to take a moment before becoming upset about something or looking at a situation from a negative perspective. Choose an item or method that is easy to refer to anytime you need a boost and make sure it is on hand when you need it. We do have the power to stay in control of our own emotions and reactions but on the days that are trying, it is important that we have positive reminders around us.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bask! Take the 60 day challenge!

Over the next 60 days I will share a daily tip on how to bask in each day and each moment. Today you are living your dreams of yesterday and it's time to bask in the wonderful life that you have created!