Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 8 Eliminate road rage from your life

Day 8
Make a decision to eliminate road rage from your life forever. We are human and when someone is harassing you in the car behind you by driving too close or honking or the person in front of you is slamming on their break or won't let you pass etc, it is upsetting. If you make a decision that you will no longer let this affect you, you will be thrilled with the new power that you hold. Let the people around you honk or swear or pass you with sass but simply jam to your radio and go about your ride without even giving them a second thought. Your job is to be aware of other drivers but not internalize their issues. It's natural to react negatively but if you take a breath and choose to ignore the entire situation you will feel amazing peace. Eliminate the entire concept of road rage from your life and take control of the moment. You win completely by staying in control of your emotions and safety.

Sugar Diva cupcakes.
Turn road rage into sweet goodness!

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