Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 12 Make a Daily Happiness Menu

Day 12

Create your own daily menu. Just like when you’re hungry and go to a restaurant and look at the menu and a particular choice spikes your appetite, creating a happiness menu will do the same. So type out a menu list of all of the things that make you happy as well as all of the things that you want out of your life, and each morning quickly study your menu. When you are looking through a food menu, one of those items sparks your interest on a given day and that is the item that you order. Whichever item jumps out at you each morning, that is the one to focus on for that day.If it happens to be an item that you are thankful for,that grabbed you, spend the day basking in your gratitude. If it’s a future item that grabbed your attention, spend your free time during that day visualizing and daydreaming about your future dream. Use the menu to help keep your focus on your gratitude for today and your dreams of tomorrow. It’s a great way to start your day so do it first thing before the sleep fog clears.

Be Sunny!




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